"Fun Day On The Farm 2024" On 9/14! Click Here For Details...

RECAP: Fun Day On The Farm 2023

written by

Dave Stoltzfus

posted on

September 22, 2023

So today we will recap our "2023 Fun Day On The Farm" with everyone. This was our on farm event we held Saturday 9/19, here at Dutch Meadows. It was a beautiful day to have the event and we hope for those of you that were able to be here, enjoyed your day as much as we did! And thank-you for making it a successful event!

We welcomed over 600 guests on our farm that day, Wow! :)

Below I will give everyone a snapshot/photo tour of the event that will highlight some of the favorites for that day!
It should give you a picture of what we had going on here at the farm on this fun day of learning and meeting your farmers in person. And get you thinking about next years event, eh? :)


Here is the main tent where lunch was served and presentations were given.

Parking in the pastures on the farm out in the countryside!

Barrel train rides for the children!

Horse and wagon rides for everyone! What a great way to tour our farm!

Our brand new farm store opened just in time for this event and it was a big hit! We had 10% off storewide and a few "extra special" deals as well! :)

The petting zoo, a huge hit with children and adults alike! :)

Bounce houses for the children!

Visiting with vendors and talking to the folks that actually grow or process your food! They had lots of samples, product for sale at discount, and were taking any questions you might've had...

So to wrap it up here, the highlight of the day for me was meeting our wonderful customers in person, serving a healthy lunch, and just helping everyone have a great day out on the farm! It filled my heart to be able to share a REAL foods meal with so many REAL food lovers. :)

We served a healthy lunch including Pork BBQ, Grilled Hamburgers, Loaded Salad Bar, Homemade Peach Pie, Homemade Ice Cream, and plenty of refreshments and drinks throughout the day!

There was a group of our vendors here sampling and selling their product that day as well! :) Plus we had a few unannounced "really special" farm store specials for a chance to stock your freezer...

Now we know that this event was not in the most perfect way organized but we were glad for any feedback and suggestions which some of you did give! This helps us to plan better for next year and hopefully make your experience out on the farm more enjoyable than ever! :)

That's all for now, and please feel free to reply to this email with any more comments, questions, or concerns that you may have, as this is always the fun part of sending out a newsletter! :)

Dave / Your farmer at Dutch Meadows farm...

P.S. It is the season for Fresh Apples and Cider, Pumpkin Pies and more, so stay tuned in the next few weeks for huge announcements regarding Fall specialty products coming your way... :)

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