Go Beyond Raw Milk: Time to Try Local, Organic Colostrum

written by

Dave Stoltzfus

posted on

June 3, 2020

Once you’ve had at least one taste, it doesn’t take long to fall in love with raw milk. However, whether you’re falling in love for the first time or have been in a long-term relationship, not all raw milk consumers branch beyond the delightful treat once they’ve discovered it. Well, we really can’t blame them either. In addition to being simply delicious and packed with actual flavor, naturally produced thanks to responsible farming techniques, and not fake enhancements (and watered down ones at that), raw milk is a seriously healthy super food. So much so, that it’s hard to imagine anything better.

But there is.

Well, of course everyone should try things for themselves and decide if they're "better" but, if we’re going toe to toe on nutrition, colostrum will take raw milk in that showdown every time.

Surprised? Confused? Skeptical?

Let’s learn more about colostrum!

What is colostrum exactly?

Colostrum is the liquid obtained from the first milking after one of our Dutch Belted cows births a calf. Actually, this liquid is released by all mammals that have recently given birth before breast milk production begins.

What are the nutritional benefits of colostrum?

Compared to all milk that follows, this first milking is significantly higher in enzymes, nutrients, proteins, vitamins, and antibodies. Research shows that consuming bovine colostrum may promote immunity, help fight infections, and improve gut health throughout life.

What does colostrum taste like?

When settled, raw colostrum milk is almost 50% fat, which gives it an extra creamy texture and rich, deep yellow color.

Should we be taking colostrum from the calf?

A cow produces about 2 to 3 times more colostrum than the calf will ever need so you should never think of it as being taken from the calves. In fact, you can think of it as being resourceful, and environmental, and keeping a super food from going to waste.

Can I just take a supplement?

Like any product NOT bought directly from the producer, it’s not possible to truly know the protocols that were followed along the lifetime of that product. Just like our organic raw milk, this colostrum is obtained from 100% GRASS FED Dutch Belt cows. They enjoy beautiful organic meadows and pasture as nature intended. You can come directly to our farm and see this first hand. There’s no hiding, no misleading, and no greenwashing. The colostrum comes directly from the cows, to us, to you. The more stops you add in the middle, be it to create supplements or process in any other way, the less healthy and organic that product becomes. So, in short, yes you can take a supplement but it’s not your best option so why would you?

Can I enjoy colostrum if I have digestive issues or am lactose intolerant?

Most people with lactose intolerance do not experience a problem with colostrum, as there is only a small amount of lactose present. If, however, you have a severe milk protein allergy, you should consult your doctor prior to taking colostrum, due to its high protein count. Similar to our raw organic milk, there is evidence that some customers who can’t tolerate pasteurized dairy products are able to tolerate our raw colostrum. We are not medical professionals and purely advocate for each consumer and individual to find a health regimen that works for them, meets their needs, and keeps them healthy and happy.

What’s the difference between regular and first colostrum?

Regular Colostrum is obtained from the 2nd and 3rd milking after one of our Dutch Belted cows births a calf, not the first milking. The first is naturally higher in enzymes, nutrients, proteins, vitamins, and antibodies but there are still significantly greater amounts of these beneficial items in the 2nd and 3rd milkings as well.

How should I enjoy it?

Grab a glass, pour, and enjoy.

What about the frozen colostrum?

Once this product is thawed, it should not be refrozen and re-used. The product itself should arrive frozen. If it does not, please notify our team. When it does arrive frozen (partially frozen is okay, too), it is okay to continue storing it in the freezer or thaw it in the fridge. It’s best to enjoy quickly and buy often. :-)

As always, we wish you many blessings and good health!


Raw Milk

super food


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