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Sampler Bundle

Sampler Bundle

Includes: 2 Pints Raw Milk, 8 oz. Raw Cheddar Cheese, 1 lb. Ground Beef, 1 pk. Beef Stick Bites, 1 8 oz. Chuck Tender Steak , 1 - 1.25 lb Boneless Chicken Breast, Dozen Large Brown Eggs, Seasonal Produce Sample, Qt Seasonal Greek Yogurt

New Customer Favorite

The Sampler Bundle may be purchased at any time but is ideal for new customers who would like a taste of some of our most popular products.
Occasionally, the items listed may be effected by inventory or seasonality, in which case we will exchange it with a similar item of equal or greater value.

If you like what you taste here, we suggest you explore all that the Shop has to offer. You're also welcome to continue ordering the Sample Bundle if you find it's the perfect mix of products for your tastes and lifestyle.

2 Pints Raw Milk

8 oz. Raw Cheddar Cheese

1 lb. Ground Beef

1 pk. Beef Stick Bites

1 8 oz. Chuck Tender Steak

1 - 1.25 lb Boneless Chicken Breast

1 Dozen Large Brown Eggs

1 Qt Seasonal Greek Yogurt (item will vary)

Seasonal Produce Sample (item and quantity will vary)

Truly a taste of the farm! :)